From an English surname which was derived from the Old Norse given name Þórsteinn (see TORSTEN). The name was popularized by the actor Dustin Hoffman (1937-), who was apparently named after the earlier silent movie star Dustin Farnum (1874-1929).

From the Old Norse name Þórsteinn, which meant "Thor's stone" from the name of the Norse god Þórr (see THOR) combined with steinn "stone".
Look its Dustin.
by TorstenBeorthelm December 21, 2011
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A gay little penis femboy who loves nothing more than for his S/O to ram the shit outta their ass.
Guy: Bro...On the first page of pornhub there was this dude that straight up was a Dustin

Guy 2: What a fag...wait wtf you been watching for that kind of shit to be popping up on ur recommended?!?!
by Dustyboi July 27, 2020
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Can not keep a relationship and is a fuckboy.
Ew there goes Dustin.
by pseudonym443253 November 7, 2019
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A stinky piece of shit that will 100% steal your neighbors dog, fuck it, then shit on your porch and blame the dog. His smell could set wet toilet paper on fire. His farts can rock obsidian. Is an absolute cuck. He will never go anywhere in life. Best thing he can contribute to society is allowing the U.S. military to utilize his farts to create a new kind of nuke that in addition to nuclear fallout will break down your lungs like chlorine gas.
Bro 1: Dude did you smell Dustin yesterday?
Bro 2: Yeah man, he smelled so bad I had to get my stomach pumped.
Bro 1: Sorry bro. I would come over to help you get better but I am going to my little sisters funeral.
Bro 2: Damn, how did she die Bro?
Bro 1: She came within 5 miles of Dustin for too long.
by RemeberAnimeGamer November 17, 2019
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Guys, I know a Dustin that is a wonderful, caring, awesome, fantastic, and loving person. Just because there was a Dustin that treated you like that, doesn’t mean all of them are bad. I could go on for hours of how good of a person he is. He’s the complete opposite. I feel bad for all the other Dustin’s that are reading all the bad things.
Guy:“dude who’s that he’s so nice to everyone?”
Girl: “I know right his name is Dustin and he’s such a good person!”
by TrashCan.Com March 23, 2018
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the best man ever he will have the best dick you seen, he is loving and is great in bed handsome, great hair, and will have a great body in the future
man i was just with a dustin last night
by hotwomen09 October 13, 2018
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A sweet, kind,abd caring man who will love u and can get paranoid if u reject him some may be clingy but it better to have Dustin than nobody
my Dustin is the best man and he loves me
by dkittyforever May 30, 2015
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