An animation company that produces crappy films starring skanky princesses or anorexic teenagers with filthy messages hidden in the background. Disney had a few good movies in the beginning, but began to decline as disney channel began to make show series out of the old crappy movies such as Lion King or Lilo and Stitch. Even the new shows and movies suck ass. We all pray they dont make Pirates of the Carribean into a show next.
Joe: Hey, i just watched the Lion King.
Bill: But that movie sucks!
Joe: No Kidding! I saw sex spelled out in the leaves in one scene!

Tom: Wanna go watch Hanna Montana?
Gary: FUCK NO! Disney channels for illiterate five year olds!
by Limpins Q. Fiddlesworth November 25, 2007
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Scots (or Scottish) single word replacement for "does not"
by philoh57 February 25, 2008
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They own everything
person 1 "hey do you like disney"

person 2 "no"
Then person 2 died
by MadsiV2 February 9, 2021
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an evil company that buys innocent companies, takes away good things from their fans, and only cares about the money
dude, have you heard Disney just shut down Club Penguin Rewritten?

yeah dude, it's worse like they took Family Guy from adult swim!
by dannyhogan200 April 19, 2022
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The film equivalent to the British Empire. They will not stop until they own every film company on earth.
Mickey mouse: The movie never ends in the Disney Empire
Other film studios: What the fuck?
by eman99 May 28, 2021
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