one whom chops the diggy, a head giver if u will, a conneseuer of the penial region..aka one who sucks penis..
ughh fool you see the lips on alicia? shes a diggy diver for sure..

man that girl monica is a diggy diver fo sho! she chops the penis up like no other..
by the rolemodel July 22, 2009
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Word used to describe a "slam dunk" done by Diggy Man(Biggy Man); the arm goes though the hoop with the basketball up to the pitt.
by John Matt June 18, 2003
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A ghetto slang for godamn. Created by My nigga Tolo in Daytona Beach,
by Cujo ,Tolo, and Chad February 5, 2004
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an extension to ya dig usually used by females
I bought this new gucci bag ya diggy!!!!
by KiMMyCakezz September 26, 2007
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Another word for the box a cat does its buisness in..otherwise known as a 'Litter Box'.
Person 1: Where`s Fluffy?

Person 2: Ohh Fluffys using the Diggy Box right now..
by Jbucket August 16, 2004
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Son of Rev Run. from RUN D.MC. Most of his fans consist of girls between 13-17 who don't know a damn thing about real hip hop. He did not have to work his way up to get famous due to his dad being part of RUN D.M.C. Girls will swear up and down that he still made it on his own, however he didn't have to work for shit in his life.( Any nigga who say was the son of Rev. Run could walk into a record company building, and they would get signed pretty quickly, even if they did not have much talent, just the fact that they were related). It's not that Diggy can't rap for shit, Its just that there are plenty of young niggas living in the hood won't ever get signed, but this bitch gets signed just because of his father. He also has the nerve to come at J. Cole because Cole fucked the shit out of his sister. His disses were pretty weak even though people act like it is "Ether" when Nas came at Jay Z.
J-Roc- Yo, you heard bout that bitch nigga Diggy Simmons
Dre- What about his punk-ass
J-Roc- He tried to come at J. Cole cause Cole smashed his sister.....that shit was mad corny
by Merciless Assassin April 20, 2013
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