(noun): the brutal and unlawful rape of a young girl not only causing her severe physical, mental and emotional trauma but ALSO leading to her involuntary pregnancy.
Under the new Alabama abortion ban, victims of Clyde-Chambliss would be forced into the horror of coerced pregnancy and motherhood.
by AgainstOurWill May 17, 2019
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A Nutjob who lives high in the mountains in Washington State. He hosts a Radio Station called Ground Zero Media. Clyde Talks about aliens and other conspiracies that no one gives a shit about. Every broadcast the guy must be high in some way, because he takes these things so seriously. Somebody needs to shut his site down and tell him to get a life.
Guy 1: "Clyde Lewis is my hero!"

Guy 2: "Dude, he's a nutjob."

Guy 1: "No way, man, he's awesome!"

Guy2: "Get the hell away from me, queer."
by Commander Shepard and friends November 26, 2011
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As in any sexual euphemism, the act of "sliding clyde" refers to the penetration of a female's erogenous zone(s) with the males erect member.

Despite this phrase acting as a verb, there is in fact a verb and a noun within. The verb being, slide. And the noun being, clyde. The name clyde is representative of said male member, just as the term Johnson, Dick, Willy, etc.
~Two male comrades, Chris and Jeremy, at a bar.

Jeremy: "Damn, those two are sure going at it."

(Jeremy is referencing two young heterosexual individuals engaging in excessive public foreplay)

Chris: "Oh yeah! I guarantee he'll slide clyde tonight."
by CreeperJR January 20, 2012
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See that doll in my sisters room, I clyde frogged it last night.

Anyone wanna clyde frog this stuffed tiger??
by thecameller August 16, 2009
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nickname for Derik Wheeler.A woman loving faggot hater.
Bitchen Clyde will stomp a mudhole in your ass if you cross him.
by Bitchen Clyde January 16, 2004
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When a girl and a guy clasp hands and jerk the guy's penis off.
Babe, you are really struggling with this hand job but i love you; let's bonnie and clyde this one.
by theragecage April 27, 2017
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