The act of a woman laying between the legs of a squatting man and masturbating the penis with the foot whilst performing anal cunningulus.
Kye: Dude some asian hooker gave me a californian foot turkey last night, she also gave me genital warts.
by dardy_flying_wharrgarbl November 27, 2009
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Find a colored women, preferably with a name such as La’ Fwonda or Ja’ Neekwah.
Insert a clarinet into your rectum. As she plays the instrument (to the sound of the national anthem), her free hand will give you a reach around.

(This is also referred to as the 'Vishnu').
yo D-Rock, you know that bitched i picked up from tha block. yeah, well it turns out dat bitch is one hell of a 'Californian Snake Charmer.'
by paul_styles November 11, 2010
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when a guy puts raw meat into the vagina of a woman with a fupa and the friction cooks the meat. then when he pulls out (you have to use the withdrawal method for this) he holds the buns to his cock and puts the ''mayonnaise'' (jizz) onto the bun. feed it to somebody.
my californian hamburger was well-done so i gave it to my brother
by woahtheretigerwoah3 November 11, 2009
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The act of pissing into a thin tube, freezing it, and fucking someone with it until it melts.
Bro I did a Californian Ice Sickle on Jasmine last night. She Loved it.
by Niggerboiqueef December 6, 2016
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The act of stuffing an ice buttplug into your gay sex partner's asshole then calling him geoffrey. this is then followed by pouring soy sauce into his cockhole.
I have extended experience in Californian cock chasm capping
by Fuckface222 February 28, 2017
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Mexican that immigrated from Mexico, that stands outside of Home Depot looking for work, and look for Old Flabby Asses to spank
Romil: Hey you that Californian Shit Dog Pancake Spanker over there.
Adam: Hell yeah, I bet he's clappin' granny ass
by #OldFlabbyAss December 10, 2018
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The mnemonic to remember the first five reactivity series of metals from the highest to the lowest, i.e. K (Kill), Na (Nasty), Ca (Californian), Mg (Mangoes), Al (Always)
Teacher: Can you tell me the first five reactivity series in Chemistry starting from the top?

Student: Kill Nasty Californian Mangoes Always!
by Umpteen August 7, 2012
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