Batman is an American television series, based on the DC comic book character of the same name.The series starred Adam West as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Burt Ward as Robin/Dick Grayson.In their disguises as Batman and Robin respectively,the two crime fighters (also known as The Dynamic Duo) defend the citizens of Gotham City from the various criminals and supervillains of the city.The series aired on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network for three seasons from January 12, 1966 to March 14, 1968, and 120 episodes were produced in total.

Recurring villains:
Whilst Batman and Robin faced numerous criminals and supervillains in their war on crime, they would often come across certain master criminals more often than others.The following are examples:
1. Joker -- played by Cesar Romero
2. Riddler -- played by Frank Gorshin
3. Penguin -- played by Burgess Meredith
4. Catwoman -- played by Julie Newmar
5. Mad Hatter -- played by David Wayne
6. Egghead -- played by Vincent Price
7. King Tut -- played by Victor Buono
8. Zelda the Great -- played by Anne Baxter
9. Marsha, Queen of Diamonds -- played by Carolyn Jones
10. Louie the Lilac -- played by Milton Berle
11. Shame -- played by Cliff Robertson

***Note:Many of the villains that featured in this Batman TV series were INVENTED specifically for this series and are NOT part of the established Batman universe (or at least they were not at the time they debuted in this series).***
Kato: (during the big fight between Batman, Robin, Green Hornet, Kato, and Colonel Gum's Henchmen, Robin punches Kato sending him to Green Hornet) "It's a good thing those guys are on our side, even though they don't know it."
Robin: (after being hit by Kato, Robin stumbles into Batman) "It's a good thing those guys aren't in town every week."
by The Centurion October 3, 2014
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Originating from the title "Batty Boi," batman refers to a male who is a homosexual (or Batty boi.)
When you come across a gay couple for example you could describe them as "Batman and robin"
Scott: Hey big boi
Friend: hey batman i'm not that whey inclined you f**kn queer!
Scott: ... i luv u....
by Deanis the Poinis! October 10, 2006
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When it comes down to it, Batman is and always will be the most badass dude in the room. He is the true alpha in any situation or event that could ever possibly occur. He will literally break your fucking leg for littering a candy wrapper. Why? Because he’s Batman.
No one can say they’re the coolest because Batman is much cooler
by ButtholeEnthusiast October 12, 2021
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when you masturbate in someones presence/in the same room without them knowing, yet while they are aware/conscious.


he is stealthy and cunning...

cunning enough to be cumming

in your presence.
my friend and i were watching a porno and i pulled a batman. guy didn't even know i rubbed one out only feet away from him.
by Eriktheoz May 4, 2009
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Sex move in which, post-coitis, the sex partner turns over to snuggle and finds you are no longer there.
After we did the horizontal mambo I batmaned her and was gone!
by The Radke January 8, 2011
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A variation of the teabag when you hang from somewhere (such as a doorframe) putting your nuts at eye level with the person to be batmanned. You then proceed to place your nuts on the person's head as normal for a teabag.
John totally batmanned Kristen when she walked into the breakroom!
by Crackershinobi June 27, 2009
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A man with mad, wicked skill in pleasing his partner with a multitude of gadgets.
My boyfriend pulled a batman last night with my new vibrator.
by Phedre1972 June 25, 2011
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