A card in the game of clash royale used by gay faggots and people who ride horse cocks while playing. They like watching

gay porn
Me: RUN, its a gay E barbs using cunt.
You: Oh no i heard he sucks cock
by Straightperson476 July 20, 2021
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going number two behind a bush when you're locked out of your house.
"she pulled a mary barb..."
by FCA bandit May 17, 2008
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when you cross your index and middle finger and then cross your ring and pinky all on the same hand. then insert top fingers into a woman's vagina and the bottom 2 in her anus.
Its allllllll in the twist.
by mc June 11, 2004
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1. Ice cold pickle juice in a glass that Barbs drink to experience a sudden blast of euphoria.
Person 1: What is she drinking? Why is it so green?
Person 2: Oh, she is drinking Barb Juice.
by biggest barb January 30, 2021
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Getting railed by three men simultaneously, all of which are named mike.
"Man that girl straight up got The Barb K last night!!!! She ain't gon walk right for a week nigga!!"
by Michael Pritchard February 27, 2008
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Steel wire in coils of a few inches to a foot that have twisted barbs of loose ends sticking out with the intent to harm anyone who attempts to cross it.

Also a movie with Pamela anderson.
Don't call me babe.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 16, 2004
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an albino transgendered creepy mexican. loves to chew on dogs, cats sometimes horses/horse ratish with his vampire clip in teeth. snaggletoothed, with a unibrow. has a lazy eye and always has a noodle hanging out of his ear. there's all ways skidmarks on his underwear and he has braces made of animal toenails. his lips are chapped and always bleeding out pink pus. his crusted legs are 3.8 feet wide each and he has purple veins popping out of his twisted knee caps. He has no hair expect on his derriere & unibrow and has his nipples pierced along with his double jointed pinky toes. He also eats cactuses. only listens to danity kane. Enjoys gelling the hair on his darrier into 2 inch spikes and has a fetish forgirls with navy rooms
"barb farb has pink pus coming from his capped lips"
by barb farb June 20, 2008
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