The process of committing a 419 scam through a dating app, preferably tinder, then hooking up with the person to gain their trust. Once you have committed the scam midway through sex you exclaim 'I took your monies' in a Nigerian accent ultimately fucking them in two ways.
Friend 1: what did you do this weekend
Friend 2: I gave a rich girls the old Nigerian bandit
Friend 1
by MikeOxlong419 September 3, 2020
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A Nigerian Massacre is a Massacre that is being held in Nigeria. Mostly heard of in 2020
It’s when random people go on attacking innocents for no reason. So like a terrorist attack.
Bill: Did you hear about the Massacre happening in Nigeria?
Joe: tf is a massacre
Bill: It’s an attack happening right now in Nigeria. A Nigerian Massacre is normally what happens when somebody’s not very happy with what they have and start unneeded conflict
by kyayla October 21, 2020
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The act of waking up in the morning and wondering if you were sexually violated by a black man last night, when in reality, you were.
"Dude did you make it home last night?"
"Yeah, but I have a strange suspicion I had a nigerian nightmare".
by alanx303 January 30, 2010
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When a male takes a shit into a blender, then frappes it until desired consistency, then rubs it all over himself, and goes and rolls around on top of his partner while she is still sleeping in bed.
Dude! I just pulled a Nigerian Hurricane on that bitch I fucked last night!
by Jeffreh October 12, 2008
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When you ejaculate so much into her that she breaks all laws of space and time, and implodes.
The Nigerian Wrath can and will destroy this world.
by Nut_meme November 13, 2016
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a pussy from the finest ladies in africa. mostly black, but sometimes there’s a surprise
karl: ur pussys so good and black
kumawa: thanks it’s a nigerian pussy
by scoliosis god November 11, 2019
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when you gape someones asshole then pour in vinegar and bi carb soda then but plug it give them a shake unbutt plug it then watch it explode out brown shit like a black volcano (nigerian volcano)
nigger 1: yo i did some kinky shit with this girl last night
nigger 2: yo what you do
nigger 1: a nigerian volcano my nigger
nigger 2: yo thats eetswa
by An Oscar February 3, 2021
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