Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac in original Astrology, with a symbol that is similar to that of the Devil and representing a Ram, one who fights hard, for leadership, and is action oriented, even using their head.
The Ram is ruled by the dangerous Mars, planet of leaders, politics, war, and people associated with medicine amongst other things. In symbols the planet is associated with reptiles and negative influences.
Rams are Fire signs, who most importantly do not do well with Earth signs, and clash with Water signs.
Rams rule the head and so people born under this sign can have a flaw for headaches. Aries are said to like spicy things, but this might put too much fire in to their nature and should not be taken to excess.

Ayurvedically, out of the three Doshas this star is a Pitta. This sign is fresh, energetic, new, and a doer, one who is not as explored in mental areas. It is also an individual, which is neither positive or negative, considering it is said every soul starts in the stars as Aries, not molded or fully developed, which means Aries also represents a beginner. Though they have such need and desire to be first. Perhaps this is why Aries gets along best with Air signs, because they are like teachers and thinkers and give much to signs like Aries. Rams have enthusiastic outlook and few but major passions.
Those born under the influence of this star is bound to be ignorant, stubborn, confident, self evolved, impatient, selfish, etc. Especially if their responsibility is not exercised. It is advised that a pet or something else should be given to them and they will learn to be more attentive to others. They can get overly aggressive and jump to conclusions. Their love of activity like play and workout burns off their calories as they are younger, but big appetite and unhealthy habits take toll later on.

Aries' experience is to learn and find oneself, they need to learn to conquer all their major flaws, and take good advice.
Someone wrote a brief description about Aries people on Urban Dictionary. They read a lot about Aries, the 1st sign Zodiac and have also had much personal experience.
by Majestic Maze January 2, 2007
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The first of the 12 zodiac signs, represented by the ram, which runs from March 21 through April 20.
by GuidoPosse69 February 23, 2005
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The 1st astrological sign of the zodiac. The sun is in this sign from March 20th - April 20th. It is a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It's element is Fire and quality is Cardinal. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and constitutes confidence and energy above other things. Their desire for success can make them impulsive, and selfish; driving them to the soldier side. They are considered compatible with signs of the same element (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries itself). Their main body part is the head and the polar opposite of Aries is Libra.
Aries is the pioneer of the Zodiac and thus must always come first
by bromodragonfly August 4, 2010
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The hottest sex you will ever have.
I had hard-core sex last night. It was Arie.
by va jay February 8, 2008
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An Ary is a perfectionist! She gets it right every time and she always seems to know what you are talking about even if you can't make a coherent sentence. She takes the longest showers ever. She is late a lot because of this. She gets good grades! An Ary has the best food in her house and is a very stylish girl. She is great to go shopping with because she helps you find all the stylish stuff. Ary gets very excited for cliche things, for example she might clap very loudly for speeches. Her room is very messy and she might apologize for it. Her house is usually the best! An Ary is a great listener and a great story teller as well.
Jane: Hey I love it when I'm with her.
Kelly: DUH, she's Ary.
by ^^^&^^^& June 12, 2009
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Very beautiful and extremely attractive and out of all guys she dates the fat crack head! Surprising ? Actually yes. She can be very mean sometimes and be an angel sometimes and she always forgets what she's gonna say and wants to meet everyone (oddly strange) shes weird for dating that fat short hamster:)
Shes such an ary
by shittydiaper July 16, 2019
Get the ArY mug. is the best person ever she has blondish hair and is beautiful she is sassy af and has really bad ADHD she is the coolest and craziest person ever but she is scared of heights. She has bluish- green eyes and pretty much has abs. She is the most amazing person you will ever meet but sometimes she gets caught up with her boyfriend. If you are lucky enough to have an Arianna then keep her she will be there for you to rant and make you feel so much better. She doesn’t take shit from anyone and will love you unconditionally
Damn I have been trying to get ari for a year now she is too loyal
by Gaygay219 June 21, 2019
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