the act of urinating in a manner such that two (or more) streams of urine intersect, thereby creating a frothy churning yellow swirl in the water which resembles applesauce
Billy and Bobby both had to pee really bad, so rather than each taking their turn, they decided to crisscross applesauce.
by Chad Baker May 12, 2004
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An applesauce enema is an insult said to, or wished on, someone who is a total dumbass.
"He needs an applesauce enema." "She deserves an applesauce enema."
by knowurkt December 7, 2013
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someone using their fork from dinner to eat applesauce because they're too lazy to get a spoon
man 1: hey want some applesauce?

man2: yeah sure

man1: need a spoon?

man2: nah im good, imma lazy applesaucer it.
by cregg go hard March 9, 2010
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Dick applesauce is where someone mistakes ur or someone elses dick for apples and smash it up and eat it for a delicious and fruity dessert
Nic: man I had some great dick applesauce last night!

Mary: I did to I used ur dick

Nic: *bleeding profrusely from the groin* damn gurl
by ur a penishumper police poop! January 18, 2014
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The full name of Catra from the show She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
Her best friend, Adora, named her after finding her in a box.

I’m serious, look it up.
Adora: Catra, put the sword down.

Catra: No!

Adora: Catra Applesauce Meowmeow, drop the sword right now or so help me.

Catra: ...maybe.
by CactusWithAHeart December 8, 2020
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Something you say when you are angry or when you do something wrong. Replaces the word fuck. "Applesauce" can also be swapped with words such as soup, porridge, stew, or chowder.
*On a killstreak in MW3 and get noob toobed*
by pancakehands November 17, 2011
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A hand to hand combat fighting maneuver in which you yell out "Criss cross applesauce!" While simultaneously faking a right punch(criss), then a left punch(cross) culminating in a swift kick to your opponents junk (applesauce) Timing is everything in this maneuver. If executed perfectly, it is unblockable.
That asshole better shut his mouth or he's gonna get the ole criss cross applesauce!
by Mayut November 9, 2015
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