When someone named Bekah is being a smart ass.
Bekah: Makiah why are you so white?
Makiah: Bekah please
by Arianna J March 28, 2016
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An urbanization of "Oh come come now, my esteemed African-American brother....surely you jest."
"I done had the LaRone triplets, twice!"
"Nigga please, you ain't had s***."
by redgyul September 23, 2004
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The greatest food ever created. Lucky kids across the nation are served this delicacy in their school cafeterias. Also a favorite among Tyrannosaurus Rex.
T-Rex: Hey kid, gimme that Pudding Please!
Kid: Fuck off, dino douche. This is my Pudding Please.
by tooth-paste November 12, 2012
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Once I become famous, please believe all those women will be after me
by mika July 4, 2003
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When a person has said enough, and you don’t want to hear any more.

Originated from the phrase 'child please', but implies a southern dialect has been applied.
There are so many rumors about the new president, chile please!
by K.J.Steezy January 27, 2012
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What you say to a white wanksta after he tries to act black
Wigger: Look at all my nizzle shizzle, whizzo!
Proper Caucasian: Wigger, please!
by Alex April 9, 2003
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