Time for pot
It's 420, grab my bong jonathon jim jack joe
by Matt July 8, 2003
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This is the temperature that mota or marijuana burns at. So therefore we the smokers light up at 4:20 BITCHES
Smoker 1 - Hey buddy you want to light up at 4:20
Smoker 2 - Why 4:20
Smoker 1 - Hell i dont kno lets google it
Smoker 2 - naw fuck that lets just do it and makes some gay shit up like the cops have a code about it.

by Just Smoke April 12, 2006
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4-20-1889 is Adolf Hitlers Birthday. Dring the holocuast,on his birthday he would "Light it up" as in gas more jews then the usual.

Pot smokers "Light up" at 4:20 to protest the sick violece of hitler. Also on April 20th has turned into National Smoke Pot Day (u.s.a.)
Smoke it up @ 4 20
by Oh snap o.o February 18, 2009
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Today in fact.

4:20, the term pigs use to refer to person(s) smoking weed.

April 20th, International marijuana day.

4:20, The time to smoke weed, or the time when you're smoking weed.

April 20th, Hitler's birthday.
"Its 4:20 bubba, I wanna impale my mouth with your blunt!"

"4:20 in progress! Bring a lighter!"
by Silly Asian April 20, 2005
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Originated in Toronto highschools back in the late 70s as being the "safe" time to spark up.
School gets out at 3:30pm, takes about 45 minutes for general student population and teachers to leave the premises; this gives you time to hang out for a bit and to roll a few fatties.
Fuck man!...it's 4:20...spark'er up. Whattaya waitin' for?

by weederneeder February 19, 2006
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Code for smoking pot, derived from the time stamp "4:20 pm", intended to delude authorities...
Mind the cultural egocentrism based on the limited use in the so-called 'land of the free', the USA.
Truely free countries like the Netherlands don't need codes like 4:20, since it's allowed to buy and smoke everywhere, anytime.
by itineracy October 18, 2008
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