A spec nade takes place when a gamer throws a grenade at an "ally" then switched to the opposing team. The grenade's game attributes also switch, so it ends up killing the other gamer.

This happens a lot in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare because it is not detected as a cheat by PunkBuster, but Admins will typically ban you if they notice. Also, other time-delayed weapons can be used such as claymores.
darkmatter0: *throws grenade at kings22*
darkmatter0: *switches from SAS to Spetznaz*
*kings22 killed by darkmatter0's grenade*
kings22: dude, u rnt even around me. wtf! you threw a spec nade didn't you. n00b

robby_boy: *plants Claymore*
robby_boy: *switches from Marines to OpFor and spectates*
*godzilla killed by robby_boy's claymore*
by [NovaLAN] NiCK October 21, 2009
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Another word for seamen. Baby-making juice which may be consumed vaginally, orally, or anally by a woman, usually consumed warm.
"Stacy swallowed all of my baby-nade"

"I want to give Shelly a tall glass of my baby-nade tonight"
by d-rub August 28, 2007
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When a player throws a grenade in a random direction hoping to kill someone.Usually done in Call of Duty thrown at the enemy's spawn point atempting to kill most of their players.
Mike:Ok ready for this search mach?

*Jim throws grenade and kills 3 people*

Mike:Now was that rando-nade necesary?Now I can't kill anyone!
by Killzark June 14, 2009
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A nade thrown at the wrong time; usually when an enemy shows up while throwing.
ZeauMG! What a Tubbo Nade!
You're playing it tubbostyle aren't you?
by InFnI January 24, 2008
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NA Nade used when a player misses his utility in fps shooters. This commonly causes the casters to laugh and the whole chat spamming NA Nade KEKW
"Player throws accidentally a nade on himself"
Chat: NA Nade KEKW
by fortnitekiller932 January 22, 2023
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an alcoholic beverage made from shine and lemonade, best served over ice, while already drunk.
mmmm...tho\ese shine-a-nades are strong and tasty!
by Mike DeLong March 25, 2007
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