n. A stylish shirt, usually a T-Shirt, with elegantly silk-screened images of the majestic wolf/wolves printed large and in optimal view to the peers of the wearer. Wolf shirts generally possess an almost magnetic effect on women; who as if under a spell, cannot quench their insatiable lust for a man in a wolf shirt. Other side effects of the wolf shirt include but are not limited to, increased penis length, increased penis girth, ample sexual stamina, and greatly increased charming techniques.

Wolf shirt extract is also the main ingredient for the men's line of products, Axe.
You would not believe the pussy I pull when i wear my wolf shirt.
by wolfshirtman July 22, 2009
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A nigga who wears a shirt in the pool.
Bruh Chris always wears a shirt when he's in the pool, he's such a shirt nigga.
by ConnerADumbassNigga January 8, 2021
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Ugly terrible shirts that you wear around the house, possibly after taking a shower, or when you are about to go to bed. Although very hideous, they can be quite comfortable
I can not go outside like this with my shit shirt!

My shit shirt is an ugly gray, large t-shirt with pictures of nascar on it.
by Emosoccerplayer March 14, 2010
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A term derivitive of the fighting game genre. This term refers to the team aerial combo used in the marvel vs capcom 3 franchise. This particular combo absorbs meter of the opponent. Usually reserved for newbs. Based on the original douche team of Dante, X-23 and Deadpool (Respectively). Originally utilized by Shirts, thus aptly named Shirts Combo.
Person 1:"Jesus Christ, please stop with the Shirts Combo! Do you need this handicap?!"

Person 2:"Holy Shit, I'm so awesome at this game! I'm totally gonna sleep with your girlfriend!!"

Person 1:"...What?"
by SALTINEL December 19, 2011
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a garment to induce some degree of discomfort or pain as a sign of repentance and atonement
My brother sinner, even though I completely understand your need for purgation, there isn't a man among us with half a conscience who doesn't keep a hair shirt as a permanent part of his wardrobe.
by dstrube December 17, 2010
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It's that nervous habit some people have when they stretch their shirt out over their knees. Usually results in one of your parents scolding you for stretching out the fabric
Zach: "Ryan! Stop making a shirt-hut! You'll damage the fabric!"
Ryan: "But I've got a big programming exam tomorrow and it's a nervous habit. Please don't get out the belt Zach!"
by Bize92 February 20, 2011
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a girls reward for an excellent night in bed. The shirt is one of the lucky male's T-shirts that serves as a trophy or badge left from the hookup
Do you think he'd give me his fav Vinyard Vines Tee for my formal shack shirt?

Kelsey: So cute! where'd you get that?

Amy: its just an old shack shirt
by fratdaddy24601 December 11, 2013
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