“ he’s in the trap but has hella designer “ omg he’s a designer junkie “
by jojog123 March 26, 2023
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When you're a huge party addict.

Miku, bring on the show.
Mom: y'know what's worse than drunks?
Kid: no, what?
Mom: party junkies, don't do what they did.

Kid: I'm gonna do it!
Mom: of course you are...
by Aitetsu December 31, 2019
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When a loco has ate too many boogers and it all built up in the throat
"I caught you picking boogerz amigo..."
"wtf i'm not a guzzling junkie breathein ass boy!"
by Al Packino August 22, 2021
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Someone who talks about using drugs, but has never actually used any.
Example: People who say 'I'm a crackhead', but show no symptoms of being on crack are false junkies.
Tom: You haven't used any before you false junkie.
by MISTER S.P.E.C.I.A.L. April 20, 2020
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Someone who has the need to do everything with the latest state of the art technology, everything else is slow and not enough.
James is such a techno junkie, he just bought a computer but he's not happy cuz there is a newer model that is faster.
by MrGonzalezJose December 2, 2015
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1.) A person, usually female, who indiscriminately participates in any type of sexual perversion, anytime, anywhere, with anyone, providing there is a vague possibility of gaining access to an intoxicating, or psychoactive substance.

2.) A person, usually female, who indiscriminately participates in any type of sexual perversion, anytime, anywhere, with anyone, while under the influence of an intoxicating, or psychoactive substance.

They are impulsive and self-serving sociopaths, liars, and thieves, who generally are not smart enough to successfully manipulate anyone using charm or wit, so they mortgage the orifices of their bodies in an attempt to divert the payment of debt using traditional means.

Regardless of their selfish nature, they are often too drunk, high, clumsy, stupid, lazy, and weak to be capable of harming anyone in any substantial or meaningful way, but they still can’t be trusted to be left alone around drugs, valuables, or teenage boys.
I hope Jason is not still seeing that junkie whore from the Metallica concert.
by Líákuieka Jävértt December 17, 2021
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Chris is a fucking junky joejoe, one who sells drugs in the homes of others and steals their very souls with his nonsensical rants of how good his shit is
Chris who is your daddy and what does he do?
MY daddy name JohnJoe and he collects social welfare
Man your such a "Junky Joejoe"
by little dark one December 16, 2013
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