When you get your hands duct taped to your cash and prizes and you struggle to get free.Most hair is removed during the panic.
Then he wouldn’t shut the fuck up so I gave him the New England hot wax. He didn’t like that shit for a second.
by Flappy Dawg January 8, 2023
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To be angry as hell, furious, etc. So hot under the collar that you could melt wax.
Lila was in a wax yesterday because she caught her new man in bed with her best friend.
by Zozothecat March 6, 2020
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1.)The act of having very visible ear wax and not letting your friend, who loves picking out ear wax, anywhere near your ear. This causes said friend to thrash about and wail loudly until the visible ear wax is either picked out or hidden from sight.

2.) A YouTube video depicting a wax filled ear canal but the wax is not removed. Thereby leaving the hopeful viewers incredibly unsatisfied.
Person A: Oh my you have a lot of wax in your ear, please may I remove it for you with my lengthened fingernail?

Person B: No you may not but have a good look, ha ha!!

Person A: Waaaaaaaaahhhhh sooooo unfair, stop wax teasing me!!
by WaxAddict January 1, 2012
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A wax is basically tape that you put on hairy parts and peel it of then hair comes of
by XxbellaUAH June 27, 2021
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Waxing is when a waiter/waitress/chef sneakily rubs a customer's food (such as a burger) between their ass cheeks and serves it to the customer. Usually is a result of a complicated order or rude customer.
Waiter: The guy who made this order is a total A$$hole, make sure to give his food a thorough waxing!

Chef:Will do!
by Jellontheinternet April 25, 2018
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a dab of drugs mixed with wax
I just did some dab wax, now I'm gonna die. I shouldn't have done drugs. Drugs kill me, others, and hurt my health. Never do drugs as I am about to die.
by dictonaryboy June 10, 2023
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1: A spray bottle used to smooth out an area of grass.
2: A state of confusion/panic due to an unknown context or unplanned event.
I kept losing my things due to the Lawn Wax that was this "road trip".
by Minty_Mechanic April 9, 2022
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