Something that a slow person does not have. One of the least known people without wheels is teddy.
by Jill Ronald Wennings May 12, 2010
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Used mostly by kids in Canada (Ottawa). Meaning to make out with someone with tongue
Yesterday I was wheeling Eve she's really good at it
by ottawalegend December 19, 2018
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Wheeling Is a time where a couples Is flirting and taking an interest in each other. Others might be aware that the couple is interested in each other or not. It is likely that the couples friends that are aware. Wheeling could result into a couple dating ; however it does not always occur. It is sometimes hard in the beginning to tell if a couple is wheeling. It is most likely not to be asked " would you like to Wheel " ex... Sometimes people wheel more then one person because it is not a commitment. Wheeling is seen in younger generations mostly as an act to see if you want to date the person.
Angela and eric are wheeling. They talk a lot and they say they like each other.
by youngdictionary July 5, 2015
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When you are feeling tired, but you havn't quite got to the part where you can instantly fall asleep.
Guy1 "I'm extremely tried man"
Guy2 "Don't you mean you're wheeled?"
Guy1 "Yes, I'm wheeled as bro"
by Froda March 9, 2011
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A nickname given to a person who through generally oafish, apish and neanderthal-like behaviour appears almost to be mentally retarded. As would be expected a social ineptitude accompanies this. A wonderfully agile mind may well be hiding beneath the surface but the outward appearance and demeanour means the recipient would not seem out of place pushing themselves along in a wheelchair, wearing a safety helmet and screeching at the top of their voice: "WHEEEELS!"
After meeting such a person: "Is wheels autistic?"
Or after going out for dinner: "Why does wheels eat like a caged beast?"
On a night out: "Look at wheels dance, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen!"
by spokeydokey July 14, 2006
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To go off-roading. Comes from dropping the "four" out of "four-wheeling"
Can you get your truck running by Saturday? were going wheeling
by ]) u ]{ e May 17, 2006
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