Someone who collects herds of terds for personal amusement!
"Dude, you're such a terd herder!!!"
by Anonymous September 11, 2003
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A delicious brownie from someone's rectum.
I turned the bathroom into a bakery today when I whipped up a steaming fresh batch of terd muffins.
by java monster February 22, 2008
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Terd leg is a completely filled is the biggest possible blunt rolled,without adding more blunt paper.orginating in POLK COUNTY,FL..given the name due to the blunt being as big as a leg,and being brown like a the wall but quite accurate.
Man I'm zooted!,that terd leg did me in!...let's roll up another one,bu-laaahhhh!!!
by GsampS May 16, 2010
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A person who steals the possesions of others and leaves a single terd in its place.
After being hit by a terd burglar, Steve found a single shit where his stereo had been.
by Nolan Smart December 4, 2005
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The way shitkicking retards would spell "Anus Turd"
Two other definitions of "Anus Terd" were posted by shitkicking retards
by The Big G July 26, 2004
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the person next to me
she is such a terd face
by aaron October 23, 2003
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one who steals turds from another mans ass. fucking sick!!!!!
" see that dude over there, yeah, he's a turd burglar"
by masshole617 June 16, 2004
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