An Idiotic hipster fucktard who takes pleasure in being a total cunt
Guy 1:"fuck you, you piece of shit"
Guy 2: "I may be a piece of shit, but at least I'm not a total Clem Fandango like you"
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Like Netflix and Chill, Amazon and Anal and Hulu and Handjobs but you just turn on a movie on Fandango and you have sex for a long period of time.
Jacob: "Wanna come over and have sex?"
Melissa: "Can we Fandango and Fuck instead?"
Jacob: "Hell yeah!"
by Crynotlie April 13, 2016
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A Bar,Club or Party full of men when your looking for women.(aka)A Pickle Jar.
"There's no women in here! Its all fucking dudes. We walked into a meat fandango!
by Bandido December 15, 2004
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A type of segfault that is rather mysterious. Often goes away when you try to debug it. Generally caused by a program writing out of bounds and either smashing the stack or destroying the core.
Hell! My code ran perfectly, up until it hit the new bit, at which point it performed a fandango on core.
by Joshua November 11, 2003
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A FANNY. Usually a used as a funny way to insult someone by calling them a fanny. Interchangeable with Fandan
That guy is a complete fandango!
by Bex n Rachel May 19, 2007
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