1. used to describe a person, location or thing that is awkward

2. awkward

comes from awks, an abbreviation for awkward. can also be spelled awks box or awks bawks
bro: "I dont like to go there. that place is such an ox box."

hick: "that family reunion was so ox box. especially running into all my ex's."
by hekkaberry finna March 27, 2011
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Anything you want it to be, but only positive connotations. This phrase originates from the action of eating fried cookie dough. Eating fried cookie dough originates from ancient Greece. Ancient Greece originates from people. People originate from the beginning of time. Therefore, popping an ox originated at the beginning of time.
I just popped an ox in that bathroom over there.
Pop an Ox: Take a crap.
by bruvajoe November 15, 2018
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(Aussie slang)any person being a completely stuborn, obnoxious cunt on the issue that will not let you speak your side of the story, hence the suffix word Ox to indicate the stubbourness of the person.
Don was being a real cunt-ox today because he didnt want to hear my side of the story.

When Alscia is in one of her shitty moods she becomes a down right cunt-ox to deal with.
by cartoonartist January 17, 2009
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to lick an ox. The term "go :P ox" means go lick an ox.
stranger: man your a retard
stranger: meh go :P ox

friend 1: your an amazing singer!
friend 2: thanks, :P ox
by :P ox October 24, 2011
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Another name for the liquid form of amphetamine or speed.
man i had some mad ox blood the other night!
by jimbo7 May 28, 2006
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1. a very clean animal, native to tundra areas.
2. that beardy man who lives under the stairs
1. "should we bathe the musk ox?"
"ok, but they're not very dirty..."

2. "whos that loser under the stairs?"
"its a musk ox"
by Shiny-15 July 26, 2006
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like somking the road its self
Me: finds someone bresthing in road fumes
them: dood i just lost my white ox, i need something with as much tar
by comegetmebitch September 21, 2006
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