A girl who only enters thru a rear un-noticed entry of your house to have sex with you on the down low......a girl you only have sex with and keep it a secret.....enters thru your rear sliding glass door, comes to bedroom, has sex and leaves....
Back door girl came by last nite, had sex and she was gone.

You talking about jennifer, back door girl ?

Shes a back door girl, sneaks in , gets jiggy and sneaks back out !!!
by Heyman3000 February 13, 2010
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A girl that you keep around for company when your bored or loney and in-between girlfriends. Also called a surrogate girlfriend.
John: Hey who was that you were on a date with last night? I thought you and Marie were together?

Michael: Nah man...she's just my back pocket girl till I find someone I wanna settle down with.
by hollypete September 7, 2009
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A girl that a guy keeps on the side (or in his ‘back pocket’) for when things in his current relationship go badly or end all together
When his new wife decides to throw bitch fits or is holding out on him, Mike calls on his Back pocket girl, to suppliment him, but totally ignores her otherwise.
by backpocketed January 19, 2011
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It's the girl who you would possibly like to date if you weren't already attached so you string her along by asking her to do platonic activities.
If Shelly breaks it off with me I always have Nancy, my back burner girl.
by Gettinhorsey May 2, 2016
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A Japanese girl, usually in the mid 20's to 30's, who packs enough "essentials" in a small back pack for a one night stand. They often speak very little English, but know at least "You wanna go on base?" They most often can be found at the American bars on White Pole Road and in the Alley and specifically go to the bars on Friday and Saturday nights and wait for an Airman to pick them up.
"Hey, let's drive down white pole and pick up a couple of back pack girls."
by Arcade March 21, 2005
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A girl who has to sneak around to be with the person she loves so that his or her parents won't see her with him/her!
Yo I had to sneak in my back yard girl so my parents wouldn't see her!
by Izzy2016 March 24, 2016
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Back door Girling when a person borrows money and then does not repay the debt and insults the creditor with abuse. A devious way of thieving money from another person who is normally a friend or relation
I asked Tim for the money I lent him last year, he insulted me and won't pay, he gave me a back door Girling

Ian never pays anyone back, he owes me $200 from last month and told me to fuck off , that dirty back door girling
by Sammy505 December 26, 2013
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