Big breast that pillow a males face when placed between them. This soothes a male, making him very relaxed.
Baby give me snuggle pups.
This is a stripper specialty, along with the brushing of breast across the face, with the nipples aligned with the lips so they brush the lips.
by Hmph March 28, 2006
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a term of endearment used to describe a significant other who is either a Harry Potter fan or dating a Harry Potter fan
Johnny: I hear you're dating a Harry Potter fangirl.
Joe: Yes, Susan's my own little Snuggle Muggle.
by JessieQ April 28, 2009
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someone you love to snuggle,spoon,or otherwise be affectionate with.
Ryan is the best snuggle bunny!
by mexi_murdererrr October 2, 2006
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When you are fucking in saltwater and your penis get locked in her pussy for an extended period of time. As you struggle to get your penis loose, oftentimes a gang of Dolphins show up and rape both you and your partner.
Melanie and I had a crazy Saltwater Snuggle the other day, where my dick got so stuck that 3 dolphins had enough time finish off in my ass.
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A snuggle buddy is a close friend who you sometimes cuddle up to when you're feeling down or need comforting. There's no sex involved and it never goes further than a cuddle, but they're always there for you when you need that extra bit of comfort.
Person 1: So did you hook up?

Person 2: Nah, we just cuddled watching a movie. She's my Snuggle Buddy
by Fallenbear January 5, 2013
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To repeatedly headbutt, or "bunt" with your cat in a back-and-forth manner.
My cat Picky Picky purrs and drools when we're snuggle jousting.
by 4ren6toxlab December 31, 2022
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