1. v. - the act of harassing a driver, from the passenger seat, into attempting to fit his car into a space that is too small.

2. v. - ridiculing a driver, from the passenger seat, during the act of parallel parking.
1. Passenger: "Whoa, you banged that fender pretty hard."

Driver: "Well, I didn't think I would fit here until all your parallel snarking about how easy it would be to pull in."

2. Passenger: "Dude, how many times are you going to back up and pull forward until you stick the landing?

Driver: "Hey, I can't concentrate on what I'm doing if you're sitting there parallel snarking."
by scatterfan September 16, 2009
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1. The act of saying something snarky without warning, thereby stunning the victim into silence.
2. The act of saying something snarky, then walking away before the victim can respond.
3. A cross between a snarky remark and a drive by shooting.
1. My in-law is the queen of snark attacks; she hits without warning then hangs up the phone.
2. Hey, what did I do to deserve the snark attack?
by Sher LeScott January 31, 2010
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Where all the top smart-ass remarks are kept.
"No, I'm not insulting you. I'm describing you."

Wow, put that in the Snark of the Covenant.
by onehandcrabbing November 24, 2013
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One who habitually tosses snarkish comments into a conversation for the purpose of belittling, punching down, or making themselves feel good about feeling bad.
"What a snark-hurler Tom is! Can you believe all the snark-hurling he did in that last group text??? "
by jfwordsmythe June 10, 2016
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The moment in which a snide remark, i.e. snark, makes little sense and/or is done just for the purpose of getting attention.
I used enjoy reading hotdogsladies' twitter feed, but lately I think he has jumped the snark.

by guidedbyvoip October 22, 2008
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to covet or hoard the ladies at a sausage fest party
Dude mark is totally snarking all the hotties here!
by mklizzle March 20, 2006
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The release of pent up frustration in the way of sarcasm directed to all of the morons on the road, so said pent up frustration doesn't build into the more commonly known Road Rage.
After saying that the idiot in the oversized pickup truck who cut him off, was obviously over compensating, Joe laughed at his road snark.
by dgw1701 May 5, 2011
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