The hard streets of Wheaton, IL. Gangstas, pimps and drug dealers roam freely.
As I strut through the slums of Wheaton, I am lost.
by Jigga Diesel October 22, 2008
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People who own property and rent it out to low income people for more than the property is worth and never bother to keep the rentals up to health code standards. Rich people who make their money victimizing low income families.
We asked the land lord to fix the leaky water faucet, and get rid of the cockroaches, but he won't do it; the guy is just another 21st century slum lord.
by Merrily McCarthy July 18, 2003
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The girl you go slumming with when your slam piece falls through or the girl you go to when you are in a slump and just need to get laid. The opposite of a slam piece
Shit, my slam piece is out of town for the weekend. I better call my slum piece.

I've been going through a slump lately. I need to lower my standards and find a slum piece.
by drivethrurelis October 3, 2011
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an unattractive individual who is chosen by another individual to be in a relationship with and/or have sex with in order to get the individual out of a rut.
John: Why in the world did you date her?
Andy: Alicia was just a slum buster man.
by hahanorse May 14, 2011
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the process of searching around in the last bits of a chip bag.
Yo pass me some of them Doritos
Alright, but you'll have to go crumb slumming in it
by Tisigornorich June 28, 2010
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A man who started with nothing, living it rough, paving his own path with help from no one, til he became master of his own destiny and became something, someone.
"Hey, you hear about Blake? They say he's the slum king around these parts, real respected by the people, that one."
by Lord Crow March 20, 2019
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