is similar to but pronounced ebonically in the Midwest and the South during the 60's and 70's to describe,fast,trashy up to no good type women.The pronunciation sounds like Skuch foot.
Leave that scooch foot alone. She is not worth it.
by Keith and Shelia June 7, 2007
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The circumstance when you're with an attractive lady, known or unknown, and she has to scooch next to you, thereby giving you an erection.
"Dude I was with Cheryl last night at the show, she gave me a scooch job"
by Boontoggle February 8, 2014
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Said to a girl when you want her to move over to make room or to hurry up. Can be said to a guy as an insult.
"Come on, Kevin! Pull out your tampon and scooch your cooch! We're gonna be late!"

"Scooch your cooch, Jen! I'm not sitting on the floor with that uggo Berta."
by Big Poppa Jon October 18, 2009
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A female that has very flat butt cheeks. It looks like her behind is "scootched up" She's usually overweight.
Bitch if you don't get you're scooch booty ass on somewhere with that!
by nickosarus March 30, 2011
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the feeling of defeat, to be wronged, to be disciplined. the full latex scooch feels like that of a loss, due to lack of male power. nothing can heal a full latex scooch.
todd: “my girlfriend just broke up with me” liam: “damn bro that’s a full latex scooch”
by Numnumpot December 8, 2021
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Anything you want it to sound like and/or mean.
Man 1: "Hey Thomas, how do you think she looks?"
Man 2: "I'd Scooch in da Dooch with her."
Man 1: "All that Scoochin is gonna get you a disease."
Man 2: "What are you talking about? I'm just saying I'd take her to a movie."
by Greenstone92 June 8, 2009
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