Polite way of asking someone to spare you the more mundane details of his or her daily life.
"You wouldn't believe how many pet stores I had to visit before I found one selling self-cleaning litter trays".
"Sounds like an interesting story - perhaps you could save it for the blog?"
by zurfarosa August 3, 2008
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A phrase mostly used by VSCO girls but they dont actually mean it. they only think that banning straws will help turtles but actually there are so many different things that harm not only turtles but every sea animal
by uraseed September 17, 2019
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An exclamation that is said when you find something relevant to your interest and decide that it is of unprecedented importance to save it.
Anon1: CP dump!!!

by MugenXS April 16, 2009
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An instance where the popular msn slang term "jks" acts as a safety net of sorts towards an individual trying and/or testing out a specific idea and/or thought on another individual. If afromentioned individual rejects said idea the rejected can quickly send a "jks!" immediately to quickly compensate for their epic failure.
An instance in where a "Jks Save" would best take effect..

Person 1 says (9:53 PM):
This is my new screen name: /wristxx it hurt to breathe /wristxx
Person 2 says (9:53 PM):
Lol there's an "s" in hurts faggot XD
Person 2 says (9:54 PM):
But don't don't anyway, that sounds incredigay
Person 1says (9:56 PM):
Don't worry it was totally jks!
Person 1 says (9:56 PM):

Jesus saves...but so does Jokes.
by pewpewpew! September 4, 2009
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A marvellous 24/7 store located in Broomhill, Sheffield. It is home to the infamous pone bone wine and £8 vodka.

When we say 24/7, we mean 24/7, 365 days of the year. They really love selecting & saving.

Beloved of students everywhere due to their erratic sleeping patterns and frequent need of alcohol and munchies.

King Edwards kids are just sour because they've starting ID'ing now.

May also be referred to as Nisa, by the elders, or spend and save by people fond of their Tesco-competing offers.
Student 1:It's 4am, where will I go to get doritoes/alcohol/pone bone?

Student 2: It's ok, select & save is open ;)
by Maximator June 27, 2011
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1) An awesome pop/punk band from Hertfordshire, England.

2) A musical by Kathie Lee Gifford with music by David Pomeranz and David Friedman.
1) Saving Aimee consist of Luke, Tom, Tim, James, Satoshi and Sean.

2) I saw Saving Aimee last night - the musical, not the band.
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The exact opposite of a "shopping spree" whereby an individual is determined to live according to a carefully planned out budget that would minimize spending to increase on savings.
I'm on a temporary "saving spree"... no shopping, no outting, until I've saved up enough money for that euro trip!
by Ozla September 30, 2009
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