Someone who is usually really awesome. Tends to Drink a lot of alcohol
Dude, you're such an Unkle Ruckus
by BurningApollo December 4, 2011
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A drug dealer, especially one that sells marijuana.

This phrase can be heard often in rap lyrics by members of Wu-Tang Clan. It is thought the word was orignally used as the name of a particular person, but later it became a general term for a chronic dealer.
What? Check the Raider Ruckus, fuck this
Smoke a Dutchmaster, have 'em screamin for the dutchess
by Millhaus April 20, 2008
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to cause a disruption

to hit someone hard enough to cause injury

to bring all your energy, will power, strength, skill, ability....etc to a competition
My team was able to Bring da ruckus to da championship game and we DOMINATED
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"Bring Da Ruckus" was a hit song on the album "Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers", from the legendary Wu-Tang Clan. When RZA shouted this, he meant either "having everybody in the club or in the neighborhood just go crazy", or "calling out all challengers".
Bring da motherfuckin' ruckus-
Bring da motherfuckin' ruckus-
Bring da mother-Bring da motherfuckin' ruckus
Bring da motherfuckin' ruckus!

(Bring da Ruckus!) haha
by Ryan Nash August 8, 2007
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A DJ that will be super famous one day.
"That Rus Ruckus is a sick DJ, he's going to be big one day!"
by rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr September 20, 2014
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Explosive, extremely liquidy diarhrea often coupled with intense stomach pain, splash back, and more. Frequently tricks you into thinking your done and just as you zip your pants, the urge returns. Abbreviated RBP.
Tony: Man, you were in there for a while. I thought I heard you flush?
Hank: Ruckus butt pee man. It'll get ya.
by isuzyou February 2, 2011
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The habits that a reames will exhibit while inhebriated. Having absolutley no resposiblity in life leaves reames's a lot of down time most of which is spent being very drunk. Some of the things that will help you identify a reames ruckus: Absolutly no motor skills or coordination at all i.e. smashing into things, stumbling over ones own feet, repeating ones self over and over again in inaudable jibbrish, cursing and telling terrible jokes at very inapropriate times, depositing half of anything that the reames eats onto their face and clothes. Receiving citations for public intoxication and being annoying to everybody around of sound mind. The mess left after a reames ruckus is always left to be cleaned up by another indivdual that the reames perceives to have any sense of responsibility. This happens because of the habit being nurtured and accepted for almost all of the reames's life.
by S.K. Rango January 25, 2009
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