There's a Ghetto Pinata working off the corner of north boulevard and 5th street.
by SFDX August 3, 2010
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The act of eating so much confetti (or candy) till you're shitting nothing but in, then hanging yourself naked with a grenade in your anal cavity with a note tied to the pin saying "haha enjoy" and waiting for someone to find your body.
Person 1: Dude you look sad, what's up?
Person 2: My dad human pinata'd himself last night and I fell for the note.
by AnythingForMemes January 6, 2017
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An area of Austin, TX bordered by Fiesta Gardens in the south to 11th street in the north and 35 in the west and Springdale in the east. The name is based on the pinata stores that line the street on Cesar Chavez.
...just head south on Chicon past crack corner until you get to cesar chavez...we're in the pinata district.
by eaustnite October 18, 2010
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Before sex, hang a brightly colored pinata full of feces over the area you wish to climax in. Whilst climaxing, quickly punch the pinata open, and let the shit fall out onto you and your lover while you cum. Afterwards scream, "CRAFTY PINATA!".
You: Just the other night I pulled a crafty pinata with my bitch.. It was the bomb!

Friend: No way, dude! She let you??

You: She had no idea it was coming!
by TheHungryCouch July 27, 2011
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(Also known as ceiling fan)
After-party after-math, where the female is hanging from the ceiling, or if you're lucky, a fan, while the male lies below and enjoys.
Damn! David got a pinata last night!

by ralaquishamontel December 16, 2007
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Pretty much a gang bang where a girl is getting hit in the face by several male penis'
A bunch of us got together last night and gave that girl a mexican pinata!
by hopkins and cruz December 30, 2010
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A black person (usually of the Jamaican persuasion) who puts colorful ribbons, rubber bands, hair ties, etc... into their hair.
"There goes a pinata who I would like to rip wide open."
by GLGreen Lantern June 24, 2007
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