Typically hairy in nature, the Thunder Bay Beaver Pelt is traditional dress for women in the genital region. Warm moist and inviting during the long cold winters, the beaver pelt is a wonder place to find refuge and sexual pleasure the likes not seen in places to the south.
I was in Thunder Bay and thoroughly enjoyed my time spent in the delicious Thunder Bay beaver pelt of the locals.
by SEABISCUIT797 July 31, 2018
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Svelt Pelt is basically trim that you shouldn't find hot as hell but still wanna hit it. I mean like, C-Grade Strippers that walk the streets during the day on their off hours.

Want a better mental image? Colonel Gathers Post-Op
"Shit, she is hot man!"
"Dude, she's a C-Grade Stripper at BEST. If she didn't have that huge c-section scar I would bet money that she used to be a he."
"I dunno man, she gives me the weirdest boner. I want that svelt pelt!"
by CuntasuarusRex May 14, 2016
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Matt Pelt has no friends but thinks he is the shit and will stay a virgin forever.
This guy is more hopeless than matt pelt
by Jakob Perry December 31, 2020
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Vaginal secretions of various sorts.
Let's have a big bowl of beaver pelt soup
by namvet1968 May 22, 2023
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P:“Woah dude! Your cats pelt is really soft!”
C:“Thanks, I brush twice a day
by Kalliegrace11 April 10, 2021
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See how bad I'm peeling? I haven't pelt this bad in ages
by Big dog clev December 9, 2018
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A Pelt is a wonderful human being. They look out for the safety and we’ll being of everyone; some would call them super heroes. They all possess amazing powers. Though they all have unique powers; they all possess the mutual powers of mind manipulation with this special power that is emitted from between their legs.
You better had not give that pussy up to a Pelt unless you want to have to get an allowance from your own income.
by SahsaG6 March 20, 2021
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