Someone who flaunts there social life on facebook.
Joe Blow's Status - i am going to the toilet
FB Friend -Joe Blow is such a peacock
by crappy stackie June 23, 2011
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The act of trying to elevate yourself and stand out in the company of your tall friends so people actually notice you realize that you are there.
Taylor Swift: I just want to start by saying that this is what he does. He tries to elevate himself, just like geographically, so he can seem.....

Ed Sheeran: taller,...

Taylor Swift: ....better than me..

Ed Sheeran: ..taller.

Taylor Swift: Like experts will study this and say that you're like, what are you doing? You're like peacocking right now?

Ed Sheeran: That's because you were fvcking heels all the time.

Taylor Swift: Look what I did for you today!

(Raises her leg and shows Ed her sneakers.)
by Barakay February 11, 2018
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An annoying girl who usually talks about dirty things when u never want to and is very rude to people and tries to ruin them
That chick is such a bitch and acts dirty shes such a peacock
by Landon Marcus October 20, 2016
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Annoying, that has wacky hair and loves to post mumble. Likes to be popular but is not. Trys to get people in trouble.
by Peacock333 April 2, 2009
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A person with and amazing cool hair style
This Peacock's doo is so awesome that I want to touch it!
by Davesterdewbacca June 1, 2005
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to achieve alpha male status within a group.
When the young man spit game at the girl he achieved peacock status. He peacocked his friends that night by showing all of them up.
by P. Cock April 16, 2008
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1) A person who smells real bad and claims he has a large dick. Nobody likes this person.

2) A type of bird.

3) A man who is scared of women he does not know.
1. Molly: OMG, did you see Ivan?
Susie: Yeah hes such a peacock, I cant believe i went out with him.

2. I saw a peacock at the zoo.

3. Ivan acted like such a peacock at the party last night.
by Anomynous2 April 8, 2008
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