Grandpa took too much Viagra , but found instant relief by slapping the pappy.He was beating his richard like it owed him money.
by ballz itchy July 5, 2016
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what happens when u drink red bull to much
my buddy drank red bull and went flappy pappy off a cliff needless to say he did not get his wings
by pg flanigan December 5, 2009
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A term used to describe a male senior citizen receiving fellatio to the extent of climax
Every time I go to visit Grandpa he doesn't let me leave without making him a happy Pappy
by FavFreak4u October 6, 2022
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VLone Papi’s or sometimes called Papi Josh’s are individuals who ultimately are defined by the things they wear. Mainly VLone which is a brand created by A$AP Bari and endorsed by the A$AP Mob. Whoever is called a VLone Pappi is often a very jiggy nigga. They also recieve a lot of love from everyone they are around.
“Aye bro, did u see that VLone Pappi nigga wearin all the VLone. Now my bitch askin me to buy VLone”.
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A state of euphoric happiness without any self criticism about oneself, raising their popularity and social status by putting others down by offending or disrespecting them.

This behavior is usually seen with arrogant and ignorant show-off, constantly seeking for acknowledgment of their superiority in beauty, knowledge, earnings, sports etc., expecting total obedience and sacrifice from others to take second place.
1. He took all the credit for what the team achieved. He's totally happy the pappy with himself.
2. Look at her gloating, she's so happy the pappy about her beauty.
3. I can nearly hear that arrogant ass say "Look at me, look at me, I'm the best". Totally happy the pappy.
4. He's totally happy the pappy, driving his dads car. damn show-off.
5. He thinks he knows it all and do not try to tell him otherwise. Happy the pappy about it too.
by Dirk Draken June 21, 2007
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middle age balding man. Use when feel sympatheitic for pappy Patton if he feels depressed, rejected or lonely. Originated from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?"
Back to the firestation pappy patton
by natters September 26, 2005
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A male native of Kentucky who pumps his offspring in the ass oh so lovingly.
The way my boyfriend so skillfully penetrated my rectum last night reminded me of my first barn romp with my pappi-dappi.
by Matthew Kleinwitz March 30, 2008
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