To jump and/or rob. Comes from the Vietnam War era when American soldiers used to get rolled from behind when they were distracted. (When GI JOE would be doin a hooker and get hit from behind by a club).
You better put those benjamins away for you get ROLLED up in this mug.
by Joshiro007 February 20, 2003
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v. to assume a position in which one can roll around easily

Forms: Rolleing
"Hey babe, do you want to Rolle with me?"

"I love Rolleing"
by Karl Lee-Ann January 16, 2008
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- Getting high off ecstasy.
- Striking a person and taking their valuables (used mostly in the south)
I once rolled off a pill and then punched some guy in the head and took his wallet.
by Denis Baldwin June 3, 2004
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Rolling can be used to replace the word "mugging" when casually talking about your criminal activities.
"Yeah I got this phone the other day, alright innit. I just rolled some bloke round the back of the bus station. You gets me blad."
by iShouldBeWorkingRightNow April 14, 2010
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Marijuana rolled onto a cigarette with either cigarette paper or a blunt wrapper.
Yo $kip, you gots any Bambu, cause I wanna build me a big roll on.
by $mokey August 20, 2004
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can mean many things but i noticed this one wasnt listed: slang term for a pill of ecstacy.
"Hey, you know where i can get any rolls?"
"I took some bomb-ass rolls the other night!"
by kemiss March 20, 2006
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v. The act of being on MDMA of any kind, such as e pills or mali powder.

n. An e pill.
I'm rolling so hard man, would it be weird if I cuddled with you?

I found some cheap rolls dude, you down for a crazy night?!
by M. Sherm August 18, 2010
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