1. It's a strong emotion or exclamation of acknowledging your shortcoming, fault, or evil done.
2. It's expression of surprise out of wrongly said or done.
oh my bad! I press the wrong key :-(
by primaverabebe April 14, 2011
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A phrase derived from saying the phrase "Oh my sweet baby Jesus" but to shorten it you just have Oh My, Sweet. This phrase was coined by Cody Shields.
After witnessing the 2 Girls 1 Cup bideo Jimmy exclaimed "Oh my, sweet!"
by Samsonite1223 October 17, 2007
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A word of exclamation used when something is found very suprising or shocking. Can help to put a more jovial element to sticky, arkward or depressing situations
Person A - Did you hear that so and so is going out wiv...?
Person B - Oh my crikey!!


*loud bang!*

person C - OH MY CRIKEY!!!
by Jemzi March 19, 2008
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Another way of saying Oh my Gosh or Oh my God. Mostly said by Potter nerds

Rowling standing for J.K Rowling
"I cant believe she just hit her!"
" Oh my Rowling, I KNOW!"
by agatha March 9, 2012
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the wizarding world's equivalent to 'oh my god'

in direct reference to the founder of the Gryffindor house, Godric Gryffindor
oh my godric, hermione look at her butt
by kayaredbird February 12, 2014
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A version of oh my god, originating in the Disney channel series Sonny With a Chance. Commonly used by screaming fangirls. Sometimes shortened to OMC.
Person 1: Do you like the movie Starstruck?
Person 2: Oh my Chad, it's amaing!
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an expression of utmost surprise, confusion, frustration, amazement, terror, or delight; often abrieviated as OMF, it is far more powerful than OMG; made famous by George Clooney in the film BURN AFTER READING.
Guy 1- "I just watched APOCALYPSE NOW."
Guy 2- "Oh sweet, dude! What did you think?"
Guy 1- "Oh my fuck!"
by Da Sperminator January 31, 2011
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