The most commonly spoken word on Roblox. Most commonly uttered by 8-11 year olds when a player joins a lobby or gets killed by that certain player
Player 1: Hi, I'm new to the game-
Player 2: sTfU NOOB GET REKT LOL XD 69
by Captain_Cancer September 26, 2017
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Nigerian slang term for doing somebody
Adebiyi: Ogba, come here ooo let me noob you.
Ogba: Ohh Ade noob me hard!
by BigDick69🌚 January 7, 2020
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derived from online video games.
often confused with the term newb or newbie, but instead of meaning new to the game as the latter does, noob refers to people who have played the game for a whiel but still suck balls and are ignorant, selfish, and lack the most important skill of all, teamwork.
this guy is a total noob and he never learns, must have never participated in sports while growing up. What a fag.
by jasdub April 2, 2007
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Someone that completely and utterly sucks at what they are doing. This can range from cooking food, to playing Halo or other games.

The word noob should NOT be used with the word "newb" or "newbie." These words have completely different definitions and meanings to them, which will be explained next.

A newb is someone that is new to what they are doing. This can range from having a new job, making burgers at McDonalds, to playing Call of Duty 4 for the first time.

A noob is always mistaken in many different ways of forms by several people. Below is a list compiled of several different actions a noob would do, so people will not mistake someone for a noob again. These are just a few examples of what a noob would do, but not all of them.

A noob would...
Walk into fire
kill his own teammates on accident
Type in bright colors
Play on an easy difficulty setting
State the obvious (Ex: Our flag has been taken!)
Sing, when they suck at it.
Type random letters
Spam you with messages
Burn food he/she is cooking on accident
Forget to wear their headset
Scream into their headset
Have more deaths than kills
Lose any game (Ex: Halo, Chess, Checkers, Counter-Strike)
Lose repeatedly
Get owned by the same guy repeatedly
Make the same joke over and over again
Steal other people's ideas
Not use proper grammar when they type (Ex: do u wanna go to the mall wit justin and i)
Camp in the same spot over and over again, even when they get killed there.
Fail a test
Have a virus on their PC
Things that a noob would say:
do u wanna go to the mall wit justin and i
I wonder what this button does...

Jerry! Why did you walk into my flame thrower? You're such a noob.
by jessicamazing December 20, 2007
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a totally stupid person on an online game rpg. they are oftentimes ignorant, dumb, and completly incompatant. in most cases, noobs are frowned apon by the community, as they are a burden and all they do is pester people who are trying to have a good time on an online game rpg. i once met a noob sooo noobish one time, that he couldnt figure out who i was talking to, and when it was me talking...see below
pot head370: ok richie109 go thru that door
cream5: me?
pot head370: did i say cream? no i said richie109.
cream5: wait me? u want me to go thru the door?
pot head370: No, goddammit! i want richie to go thru the door
cream5: ok ill go thru the door u dont have to yell
pot head370: you stupid motherfucker! go up the stairs and leave me alone
cream5: how do i go up the stairs? im lost! help me!
pot head370: you fucking noob!
by pot head370 September 2, 2006
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The noob usually is a guy new to a game that is unpolite and thinks he pwnz that game.Most of time they use caps and scream stupid things that make no sense.Dont think of newbs,that are new players to a game but polite to others and more mature than noobs are and that usually dont use caps and scream.
Cornery:Cosmicray you go MainTank Sartharion?
Cosmicray:Sure Cornery
Noob: WTFF!!!!1 WantEd to M41nTankzorrrrz S4rh!!C0000rn333ry u damn fcuking n000bzzz!!LOOOO000L!!1111`~~~~@@@@ LaawwLZZZZ LOLOLoololOlOlOlOlOllloooL 1337 7331 i pwn thizzz game!!LoooLLOLOLOLOLOLOL 1337

Joekicks:Campbell89 can you please stop killing the guys from your team?
Campbell89:S00rry5555 but i c4nt s33 gra55 ar0und.

Noob:U D4mn Fcu1ng dick-azz me didnt ask iu if iu wantz to boostz me i t0ld iu to bootz meh!LOoooLolooolLOOOoollOO~~~!11111!!@@@
Newb:I'm sorry if I'm asking to much but you could give me a boost somewhere?

by cornery February 24, 2009
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video game slang for retarted fucking asshole who cant do anything for himself and likes pissin' people off
by spongebobsuncle November 3, 2009
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