He's Mojo!!!
by Druskiize August 16, 2010
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a slow adolescent female, slow mentally, not physically. and not retardedly. although this may cross your mind everytime you speak to one. and possibly physically as well. daughter of a clifford, generally good at maths and art and ... yeah.

seen with brightly coloured and obstrusive hairstyles, lots of make up and is every teachers worst nightmare.

enjoys horse riding.
example 1

girl 1: wow mojo, i really like your hair today!
mojo: my what?

example 2

boy 1 : do you want to go to the cinema later on?

mojo: to the where?
by red_splat_on_my_radiator July 27, 2009
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A type of potatoes prepared at Shakey's restaurants:

Used in TV commercials (in conjunction with deep dish pizza advertising),
"...and how 'bout those Mojo potatoes..."
by Richie333 March 20, 2007
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An item you put on your bike, car, etc that you look at to give you an exta boost of energy to get through your day
Man, I didn't think i was going to get through it, but my MOJO told me other wise
by Cb... December 24, 2008
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common shorthand for 'mortar joint'

Most often heard used by engineers tring to cover their asses when referring to structural masonry construction.
"Well, OK man, but that mojo's gotta be tight! Or this whole piece is gonna blow! Fo Shizzle ma nizzle!"
by huerms January 28, 2004
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Usually Central American males who come to the US and go to high school. They are usually located in the DFW area. They go to high school wearing some really tight jogger pants and nasty Chicago bulls shirt and wearing some really ugly snap backs. They usually use slangs such as “maje” “sipote” and “cerote”. They wear ugly Mohawks with a lot of hair gel usually gorilla snot.
Aye yo he’s wearing an ugly ass SnapBack
“Oh fuck that must be a mojo”.
by The fly guy October 31, 2018
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something you blow the smoke from your weed into so the room doesnt smell like weed. usually its a smal bag with dryer sheets in it.
He took a huge hit off the bong and used the mojo to keep the room smelln good
by almost March 24, 2005
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