The act of a man having sex with a woman while she is on her period, and then she gives the man a blowjob.
I decided to screw my girlfriend while she was on her period, and then she gave me a blowjob. I laughed and told her she just got a Rusty Kramer. Then I cock-slapped her.
by Huge Cock January 22, 2007
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to face fuck someone while asleep on a couch or bed unknowingly
"dude I fell asleep at that party last night and got a willie kramer."
by bobsanch August 1, 2008
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When the sphincter muscle becomes so relaxed from nearby stimulation, that a small semi aqueous amount of defecant is non-shalontly expelled into the atmosphere whereby it comes in contact with the hair of the unsuspecting felator; thereby ending the sexual encounter and resulting in the immediate nessesary washing of the victims hair.
by honey bear April 20, 2004
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to be thick enough to put smarties in coke over ur computer and watch it explode.
crap i didnt know if i kramered my computer would be destroyed.
by senur2010 September 8, 2007
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A stupid and crazy, but bitchin motherfucker in the iconic tv show Seinfeld who often stumbles on a regular basis, spits, speaks in multiple languages and unexpectedly acts radical whether if he is dancing or being stupid. He is seen regularly wearing a detective coat or a lobster or green collared shirt. He has money but nobody knows where he gets it from nor anybody knows his true profession and if he had a job.
Aaron: What is the best part about Seinfeld?

Me: Cosmo Kramer.

Aaron: Why?

Me: He’s got the elements of being stupid and bitchin.
by Girls ❤️ shafts July 19, 2019
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Having sex with a girl after taking half a shot of Bacardi, drinking one Smirnoff ice, and taking a single sip of bud light lime
Dude I totally pulled the Harry Kramer on that girl last night
by WillmaDickfit September 21, 2014
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A guy who got his ass whooped by one of the seniors. A freshman kid who proves the Seniors that he could be cool too and it turned out right. LIKE COME ON GUYS! STOP WHAT YA DOING AND WATCH DAZED AND CONFUZED! :)
Sarah:Man that Mitch Kramer guy is cute.

Hannah: the guy is a freshman. He's a lil baby

Sarah: so what...he's adorable...Hannah hook me up with this guy.
by Ms.mayhem February 18, 2019
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