noun: a term used by Jason to describe one as inferior and on their way up the the ways of Jason
Hey jabrony, i eat so much pussy that they should add it to the food pyramid.
by KING KNIGHT SHEIST August 28, 2008
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One who has contrarian views, options, and style . Does not conform with the status quo and will usually go out of their way to indirectly let you know they’re different via words & actions. Not to be confused with a hipster; a Jabroni is typically hyper self-aware & self-promoting.
Look at that dude riding a moped covered stickers of his clothing brand - What a Jabroni.
by Djshibby23 August 16, 2019
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Noun: A large breed of long haired, black dog. Very rare in the United States.
"The neighbors Jabroni crapped in the garden again"
by Daniel Fisher May 31, 2006
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universal word. use it netime or newhere
sometimes an insult, sometimes a compliment, u just never can tell, depends on how u use it in a sentance
Jibbs: damnit mike, wut the hell where u thinkin, ur such a jabroni!
Mike: im sorry jibbs, ur a jabroni, u own me
by Urban Dictionary June 17, 2003
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A hardcore. Another word for "bro" or Friend.

Vapes like a champion, and doesn't take any shit from others who think Jabroni is derogatory in nature.
Yo, whatsup Jabroni? Want to go get wasted and vape the day away?
by Music_saves_lives August 19, 2014
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A frozen treat you would buy at a circus or fair
Daddy, can you buy me a jabronie?
by zabbo January 13, 2011
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A "gachi" wrestler. Used by Billy Herrington in his acting performance.
I just wrestled some leatherback jabroni, kicked his ass.
by yes daddy please have me January 14, 2018
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