The sequel to the best-selling Half-Life, which was released for the PC and Playstation 2. A game developed by the company VALVe, it was due out in September of '03, until the script code was stolen. The FBI has joined in the hunt to find the stolen source code. VALVe is hoping to have this game out before Holidays of 2004, but it may be early 2005 before we see the light of it.
Half-Life was a great game, and Half-Life 2 will be even better, with increased graphics, new enemies, and new weapons.
by chaosKahn February 25, 2004
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A game that will be realased in REDACTED by Valve Corporation.
Man this half life 2 game is amazing, they should make a sequel, yeah I’m sure half life 3 will be great
by SlimyKlerburt July 26, 2020
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Guy 2:Bruh
by 3txEXE January 26, 2021
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It will be THE BEST GAME EVER to be released! Will make Master chief look like a fucking pansy-ass sissy girl who braids hair all day long.
On November 16th, Half-Life 2 will be the Messiah of the gaming universe!
by James Lowe November 5, 2004
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One has a half-life crisis the night before a large project or a big test is coming up the next day in ones Chemistry class.
Man, I'm stupid! Why did I ever take AP Chemistry? I've already exposed myself to 7 different types of radiation, and this project is due before I can go in for treatment! Pretty soon, I won't have a half-life crisis, I'll have a no-life crisis!
by Noah Anderson December 28, 2005
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A game so revolutionary they forgot to make a sequel
Person 1:hey wait ever happened to half life 3
Person 2:idk man I think they forgot
Person:but half life 2 was so good
Person 2:yes,yes it was
by A talking bucket June 7, 2021
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As soon as I put Half Life 2 into my CD-ROM drive, I exploded in my pants.
by mastershake211 March 5, 2006
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