lighthearted and humorous shock and or surprise

ex: "When my friend farted loudly while we were at the library, I said-zee-gads!"
by Molly Lee Brown April 27, 2009
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Gad is a ship between the amazing Tad and Garrison. They love each other but don’t know it yet.
Rylan: aww its Gad
Emily: it it! Look at them two
by DarthVaderJr. March 31, 2020
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It's like the Ayrshire definition of saying god. Like instead of oh my god, you would say gads.
Aw gads look at that boggin plate of mushrooms.
by JulesBoss June 15, 2022
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Acronym for Grow a dick. Phrase for exemplifying someone's lack of courage, aspiration or general lack of intestinal fortitude.
Dude A. " I'm thinking of getting a Land Rover discovery."

Dude b. " man GAD and get the big range"
by Bill Able. September 3, 2016
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Greatest ass disorder. The disorder in which you have the greatest ass.
Person 1: Did you hear that Emily got diagnosed with GAD?
Person 2: What's GAD?
Person 1: Greatest ass disorder!
by brushingmyteethrn August 3, 2023
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A combination of two words too glorious for this world. Gay Dad.
I'm a Gad! Get it? A Gay Dad.
by Queen Penthesilea June 15, 2019
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Scottish slang -

Basically what you'd say if you saw something disgusting.
Kate: "Look at that guy's shoes! They're so ugly."
Ellie: "Ew, gad."
by taleske February 4, 2018
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