"Fuck The Prep"

Originating in the Philadelphia area as a term for those who have extreme dislike of St. Joseph's Preparatory School (The Prep). Each has his own reasons for hating Prep, ranging from sports rivalries to run-ins with obnoxious students. The FTP demeanor has recently spread out of Philadelphia and more or less along the eastern seabord.
Man, we beat The Prep yesterday. I hate those guys.

Yeah man, FTP.
by IHateThoseGuys June 4, 2010
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-john was talkin smack
-yo FTP
by Juan Leche October 17, 2007
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This is an acronym meaning for the pussy. This can be used two ways.

1. A guy or lesbian who's current number one priority is sexual stimulation from women and their *****. May be a perv, child rapist, or just a normal guy who is currently horny.

2. A guy (or sometimes even girl) who is showing weak behavior. This may be expressed through laziness, literal physical weakness, extreme stupidity, or unwillingness to take a leap of faith or do a risky task.

This is a very new meaning of this acronym, however, this meaning is slowly gaining popularity.
1. "Dude, seriously, I know that girl over their is incredibly hot in her bikini but can you stop being FTP for a moment and finish listening to what I'm saying?"

2 a.

Person 1: "But I don't feel like working out today. I'm just too tired from not doing anything productive whatsoever."
Person 2: "stop being so FTP and get some meat on those scrawny toothpicks you call biceps"


person 1: "you know, bull testicals are considered a delicacy in some regions. Want to try some with me? They might surprise you."
person 2: "I think some things were meant to be left uneaten..."
person 1: "Come on. You won't know until you try. Stop being so FTP."
by tianang December 27, 2011
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For The Punx
You going to the NoFX show?

Yeah man FTP!
by Kyle Munro August 19, 2008
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When you're going down on a girl and you start playing with here pussy. It's equivalent to playing with her pussy but you need a more elaborate word to describe the action. When you fondle her pussy you are FTPing her.
by FTPer January 25, 2011
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A TLA for Fine Tobacco Product - what you see on cigarette packages. Can be used as a noun or a verb. Can also mean a cigarette break.
Keith: Hey dude, can I bum an FTP.

Wende: Let's go FTP!

Greg: Hey EO, almost ready for that meeting?
EO: Sure, right after Java, PP, FTP.
(Coffee, urinate, ciggy break).
by Leif April 8, 2005
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Fuck This Place!
Usually said when you're in a shithole of some sort like the middle of a nasty jungle or a hot desert.
Me: Bob, this place is hot, dry, and has no hot babes!
Bob: Or beer. FTP bro. FTP.
by Admiral Fuber August 1, 2010
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