The tenancy for men to fall asleep after having sex.
Evan: Sorry I'm late, Julie was over this afternoon, got stuck in Fornication Hibernation.

Ryan: It's cool dude, happens to the best of us
by OrangeryWarden March 13, 2011
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A college aged male, notorious for having poor focus in the sack. Gives off an air of sexual predation around mealtimes.
No, stay away from that one, my friend told me he's got about as much skill as a malevolent fornicator.
by concept context December 1, 2010
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A term opposite, but equal to calling someone a teabagger, but referencing a liberal hippie pinko commie.
The term "goat fornicator" (when used in reference to the hippie pinko commie left) is political speech. Its use has been allowed on for quite some time.
by Reticent January 19, 2011
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1) A stick used in sexual intercourse, whether consensual or non-consensual. The fornicating stick is most commonly used in orifices such as the anus and ear.

2) A metaphoric stick with which people are 'raped' with by being badly beaten in a computer game.

1) deeper.. deeper.. too deep! too deep! owww my hearing

2) Dude you got owned, with a stick!!!
now bend over so i may fornicate you.
by AngryLiam March 15, 2005
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The act of having many men with erect penises in the same room. There is also one female laying over a bar stool nude. The object is to spin her and the guy she lands on gets to fuck her and the guy on the opposite side gets a blowjob.
Dude, those guys really ran a wheel of fornication on that hoe.

Yeah, it was like Vanna White turned into Taylor Rain.
by deprydation November 9, 2009
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A management term, when a large and powerful organization is cascading incompetence from the top down.

Top level management decides to reduce front line workers to save money, but later finds out that customers are not getting the service they expect, or had received in the past..
The recent organizational changes have put the company into a vertical fornication spiral.
by oilfilter April 22, 2015
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Someone who does not give up srx easily. Being miser with the sex.
My girlfriend is such a fornicating jew now that I never get laid.
by Makanana310 July 12, 2021
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