"Bill called out sick today?"
"That's fucked up, man. I was pounding car bombs with him until 5 A.M... brew flu?"
by mr. fluffy December 17, 2006
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H1N1 flu, either the virus or the illness.
She's got the hinie flu. Fever, coughs, the runs, everything.
by tmu November 12, 2009
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a deadly flu molecule made of 1 Hydrogen cation and 1 Nitrogen anion created by really smart pigs
man 1: i just caught me some H1N1 flu
man 2: oh, shoot. u is gonna die
by da professional November 5, 2009
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The universal term for someone who sells drugs, robs/steals or makes other means of illegal income.
My man Richie has been Flu Flamming N' shit man.

Ive been Flu Flamming hard recently, gotta pay that rent.
by CPUCooler June 23, 2019
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An illness which inevitably sets in when one returns home from attending a music festival.

Causes include:
-Between 2 and 10 hours sleep over a five day period.
-Living in your own dirt.
-Shouting and screaming a lot.
-Excessive consumption of both legal and illegal substances.
-Being too tight to buy food and hence going without for five days.

Unfortunately, due to the self-inflicted nature of this illness little sympathy can be expected.
Is Louise coming out tonight?
No, she's got festival flu.
by George15 January 20, 2008
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An epidemic and addictive disease that spreads throughout the nation. It causes the user to go on myspace continuously every 15 seconds, leaving them mindless and thus making it the only website they'll ever go to.
Hey have you seen bob?
nah, ever since he had his myspace, he never comes out of house. he always on that fucking site, i think he has the myspace flu.
by Ben Fong July 8, 2006
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The sickness that accompanies heavy consumption of alcohol, usually, but not necessarily vodka, and that as a result causes a person to call out of work for a sick day.

The word has its origins with office workers looking to avoid being fired for not showing up at the office. Often, office workers have a limited number of vacation days and after a heavy night of binge drinking must take a sick day or risk losing their job. If required to specify a reason for their absence, the common response was to say they had the flu.
Julia drank heavily most nights and in the morning she was so hungover she had to call out sick because the vodka flu was keeping her bedridden.
by themroxfordbobby January 7, 2005
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