If you fall from grace, you do something that results in a loss of respect and support, especially among those who influence your life or career.

to relapse into sin or disfavor.

to lose favor; be discredited
# The company's vice-president was expected to take over the company until he fell from grace after being arrested for stealing company funds.

# It's been sad watching so many athletes fall from grace and have their records deleted from the record books for taking performance-enhancing drugs like steroids.

# He fell from grace when the boss found out he had lied.
by alyery June 10, 2009
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A symptom of non-specific or unknown origin accompanied by significant impairment or sudden unconsciousness.

Can also be used as a non-descript explanation in order to hide any illegal act that may have resulted in the medical condition.

This can be the result of any illness, drug induced state, alcoholism, assault or accident.

May show up on Ambulance Incident Reports as the diagnosis.
When the ambulance arrived the paramedics asked regarding an unconscious person and what happened. The person on the scene states. “Don't know, she just done fell out.”

When the police arrived and found a man unconscious with a bump on the head of the victim, they asked a nearby bystander who was holding a club, what happened. His response was "It was wierd, he just done fell out."

When rushed into the hospital, the nurse asked the brother of the patient, was she taking drugs before she fell unconcious. The brother answers, “Nawh, it aint like dat, she don fell out, tszhall.”

An elderly woman was found sitting incoherent on the ground surrounded by onlookers. When questioned, the group each answered the question of what happened using done-fell-out as a verb in a sentence. "We was walkin back from the grocery store (mini market), an ah the woman, well she done fell out, an then the guy came to help.
by Yehoshua611 October 16, 2007
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A phrase used on Twitter typically as a way to mock somebody for either a bad take or no reason at all. Sometimes it's used as a way to ratio the unaware victim. Most people using this phrase lack a strong male role model in their life and don't know what grass feels like.
Person A: Uncle Iroh isn't that great of a character.
Person B: you fell off + YB better
Person A: .
by PIZZA STEVE 44 September 15, 2021
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To come into great fortune/luck unexpectedly, especially through imprudent behavior.
A: "Did you know that Jane blew her birthday money all on one ring as an impulse buy, turns out the stone was worth 10x what she paid!"

B: "Damn! She really fell ass-backwards into something huh!"
by khdoll September 11, 2010
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Stolen; Something obtained or being sold illegally.
"Hey dude, Check out this new PS3. Only paid 50 bucks for it because it fell off the truck."
"You lucked out, man."
by Madame Waffles December 11, 2008
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A type of fart that when emitted, sounds like the distant creaking of a tree after it has been carefully cut and is in the process of slowly falling.
I was in the kitchen as I heard what I thought was a tree falling outdoors but then I realized it was a tree felling fart and it was coming from my husband who was standing right beside me!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 16, 2021
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After my car broke down, the tire went flat. Feels like I just fell on my nuts!
by Bakinbread January 20, 2017
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