To fark is, quite simply, to park and fuck.
"So we were in my car, right? And she asks me to pull over because she wants to fark!"

"We totally farked at the drive-in movie last night."
by ohmyfark July 18, 2009
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An unpleasant noise made involuntarily during sexual intercourse. Farks should not be confused with moans. Can also be used as a verb.
Fark: When me and my man go at it, he's embarrassed that he farks so loudly that the neighbors wake up. He just can't keep the farking down.
by aaamanda April 29, 2007
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fark (v)- to go over to a girl's house, get drunk, have sex with her, and then wake up in the middle of the night and pee on her bed, resulting in her departure from her own bed, leaving you by yourself

etymology- this word comes from an incident involving my friend who is often referred to as babyfark mcgeezaxs or fark for short. needless to say, his actions are so unique that they deserve their own distinct term, named after fark himself.
Wow dude, I totally farked that girl last night after we partied. I cant believe she didnt kill me after I soaked those sheets.
by celtics announcers suck January 13, 2010
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The act of passing gas in an immobile vehicle.
Hannah: "Im glad we found this parking spot"
Jeremy: "Me too! Do you smell that?"
Hannah: "Yeah sorry I just farked."
by Bits and Trix January 23, 2009
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What most of us understand to be a pronged eating utensil or split in the road. "Fark" is the midwestern/southern pronunciation of "fork".
Hey Billy Bob, could you please warsh the knives and farks?
by farkedtongue February 21, 2009
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This is a Hungarian word which is actually spelt Fak but is pronounced Fark, and means a group or stand of trees
"Look at the Fark over there"
by D, Fitzpatrick. April 10, 2006
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When your dog is barking at something stupid (like a branch) and then shits on it. They can still be barking while shitting,
Yo man I was about to hook up with this chick then my dog farked, and she got disgusted and ran away.
by JoggyBuddy May 22, 2018
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