When referring to a brand, posh or ornamental and elegant, Giordano being an example of a fancy brand of pocket watch. When used ironically, any pseudoposh person who's pompous in thinking they're the best when really they're vulgar. When referring to the genuine article, something exceptionally good and exclusive, especially that which is posh and sophisticated.
Giordano is a fancy brand, that's how you know you're buying the best. The tweed is a Harris Tweed, it's fancy.
by badmouth December 2, 2017
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Oh, you (Cas) fancy, huh?
by Casxcore April 15, 2011
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1) to be attracted to sexually

2) to ejaculate or cum
1) I fancy that girl in my stats class.

2)Dude she let me fancy all over her huge breasts!

1&2)He not only had a fancy for her but made a fancy on her face.
by zoom4ever January 19, 2010
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n. vagina. This term was coined by and is particularly used by lesbians.
I adore her sweet fancy.
by jana October 18, 2004
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A part of the human anatomy; the back of the knee.
To tickle someone's fancy, would be to tickle the back of someone's knee.
by Rosstopher April 11, 2005
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The holy temple of womanhood; the entrance to the life giving womb.

See also: "wooch"
I got up in there and stretched her fancy apart.
by raton October 6, 2003
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