when you suck off another guy who has aids on his balls
Slut: Aye itsa me Slut and im a raging gay thats a Whore Fag Bag
Whore: Shit man im down to get some aids homie
*They both fuck each other till morning and Whore gets Whore Fag Bag
by Hover_Things August 4, 2022
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A white boy who thinks he is all that,please don't get this confused with a fuck boy
Man bubbly has lately being a fag bag sunny .
by Mark_sw (Milk Man) April 24, 2016
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A bag that mainly officers carried with them in the field that would carry maps and other land navigation material
map carrying case Military Fag bag
by mikker August 20, 2008
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that guy in it-Oh yes daddy it is.
your dad-we need some almond milk and normal milk, BYE BYE FUCKERS!!!
by that svenne over there June 27, 2022
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It's actually 2 expressions combined, duche bag (- historically known as an instrument of cleanliness bestowed upon a dirty piece of female genitalia) and fag(Short form for faggot aka homo).

This expression is used when a duche male is sleeping with a lot of other men. He's like a male - gigolo, for men!
He's gay, a total duche fucking fag bag!
by Fiat Cobrone June 25, 2009
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A friend or acquaintance than is being a total loser and not wanting to do anything cool and would rather go to bed at a normal time instead of staying up late getting hammered and kissing fat chicks.
cmon Jake quit being a fag bag and just go out to the club with us
by Jake the tank March 14, 2018
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