First known usage at 'The Sky Office', Melbourne, in 2012.
Eds refer to the eyeballs, commonly used by 'trippers' and 'degenerate youth'.

The word derived from a group with the inability to speak literate English once extra crispy.

In conversation, the word 'eds' may be used to ask how ones eyeballs looked after a large consumption of beugs.
"Oi man, how are my eds lookin'?"
by Mr Beug October 5, 2012
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A rare blood disease in which the suject interjects in conversations with random, irrelevent comments that do not further the argument, but end up doing nothing but pissing people off. Side effects include a love for soft, girly music, mob movies, and ignorance.
George's severe case of Ed caused him to make a fool of himself at the luch table while arguing with Tyler.

by Quinn Gardener May 22, 2008
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That annoying guy that knows all the answers in class and reads every single book ever written.
Teacher: Who knows who the king of England is?
Class: (No answer)
Teacher: Yes ed?
Ed: (Says right answer)
Teacher: A+++ !
by Doggeeeee November 20, 2015
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A little short ass who usually has a massive forehead and struggles to do simple mathematics like 1+1 also is definitely a crack head
Kid 1:Ayo you see that kid over there banging his head on the wall
Kid 2:Yeah he is a right Ed
by PenguinRisk June 22, 2020
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1. The worlds loveliest, prodigious, incredible, omniscient, laid-back, running coach
2. A man capable of curing all injuries purely with knowledge
the worlds best running coach award goes to Ed
by arsenal4 May 14, 2018
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The perfect man, generous, sexy, handsome.
Eats pussy like a savage, never quits.
Hard worker, manly. Protective.

Tends to have a dark sense of humour
Ed’s got that look in his eye, I’m in for a tongue lashing…think I’m in trouble, but I’m not scared
by Lauralye4 April 20, 2022
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verb, to apply Early Decision to college in an attempt to beat out the rest of the private-school pack. Most frequently employed by those in prep school.
Where are you EDing?
OMG, me too!
by Stefan November 20, 2003
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