What a tooth-doctor gives an attorney to handle all of his malpractice-suits and other legal hassles.
Some dentists find lawyers with periodontal issues and then get said gum-pained stiffs to work for them for free by threatening to take away their dental retainers.
by QuacksO September 6, 2019
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A sugar daddy that pays for all your dental bills.
My dental daddy got me braces and gets me regular cleanings.
by Dani30 August 19, 2022
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The wearing of a very thin gold chain outside of the shirt to show it off.
Look at this guy dental flossing with a chain that looks like I could break it by rubbing it in-between my fingers
by Step your game up September 4, 2021
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The act of trying to improve one's vision by the baring of one's teeth, as an accident of squinting.
Fred could not find the restaurant so he used his dental vision to scan the strip mall.
by Akbar Lightning October 22, 2009
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when you are getting your teeth cleaned and the dentist surprises you by cutting of you head.
so my ghost said to the other ghost "i was getting my teeth cleaned and my dentist cut of my head with a dental guillotine!" the dentist said "SURPRISE *thunk* that will teach you to not floss"
by Shangheliee August 10, 2015
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To take a shit in someone's face unexpectedly and without consent
I woke up to my partner giving me an Aspen Dental, what the fuck
by Queen Buttrix June 21, 2021
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A woman of loose morals. Also known to put out with ease. Whorish.
That chick has been with three guys just tonight...she must be a Dental Hygenist.
by Mr. Nice_Guy November 14, 2008
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