Then, a mop dealer is a thug boss, sir of crime
"Go back to ripping off mop dealers" -Joker
by Darkness of Shadows September 19, 2020
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Anyone with the name CyrisX that likes to hit on girls that are under 18. He doesn't seem to realize the definition of the word ''milf''. He's known to be an avid dirty dirty manipulator as stated above.
''Ron is such a curry dealer. He likes dating young girls and manipulate other ones''
''Ron doesn't know the definition of Milf stupid Curry Dealer''
''Curry dealer, ron's job in life other than manipulating young girls''
by Gottiiiii May 20, 2018
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Chappal means -Device Used by Indian Parents to Reshape Their Kids
Dealer - a person who buys and sells goods

Chappal dealer is guy who owns 69 trillion chappal factories. he's not much famous among girls. He's a super rich person on earth
girl 1 - Omg he's chappal dealer

Girl 2 - i heard there only one chappal left on earth
Girl 3 - we gotta confess our love to him or else he will get married to someone
by Cool guy 60 December 25, 2021
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Bob the Builder is a member of a gang/mafia. He has murdered Scoop, Muck, Dizzy and Rolly, thus intimidating Lofty and Wendy into joining his "Crew". When Bob is with his gang, he has so much fun. This is because they work together to get the drug delivery job done. He sells the drugs to Pilchard, Bird, Travis and Spud as they "play" and take drugs together like good friends should. This is subtly hinted throughout the opening theme of the show "Bob the Builder".
Person 1: *Buys some glue*
Person 2: "OMFG u r in league with Bob the Dealer"
by Bright Whisker July 21, 2018
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honestly these people dont even deserve the title dealer, theres nothing to it. if someone trys to bring up pee with you refer them to a good poop dealer
Man 1: Dude you gotta check out my pee dealer, hes got a new batch of g-g coming
Man 2: dude im sick of you fucking bringing up pee, lets just go see diego and get some fibrous feces

Man 1: while i disagree with the former statement i would be quite content with the latter, agreed?
Man 2: agreed.
by papasi May 10, 2019
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PAN-tee DEE-ler (n) - a gentleman who sells his significant other's soiled undergarments to other gentlemen for fun and profit.
"I heard Justin bought himself a new TV, seems he's quite the successful panty dealer."
by mr & jb September 4, 2006
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