the act of two people putting the open parts of their sleeping bag together and then farting simultaneoulsy
double dutch oven cocoon is self-explanitory.
by the cocooners October 30, 2010
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The non-medical term to describe the fleshly foreskin of the male penis. Typically, removed to stop the euphoric joy of male masturbation. Despite being a sweater for your penis, you're still going to shrink.
"It's a good thing I have a penis cocoon so I can dock the hell out of an orange. The citrus burns will give me pleasure." Said Joe.
by Rock your rockhard February 10, 2023
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A bomb ass scarf which makes you feel safe and secure
Gabu: "nice scarf"
Quaid: "BITCH this is my face cocoon!"
by 1234(32433 December 21, 2016
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When you cum so much that you cant see your own dick
Man, I had a groot cocoon last night
by Cum load May 17, 2023
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a person that started out as a good looking child and looked like they would continue to look good but then loses their cuteness at some point and is not attractive anymore later on in life
"aaaw he was such a cute child!"
"yeah its too bad he's a cocooner..."
"oh my god i know. how unfortunate"
by ugaswimmer4490 October 3, 2008
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When a man ejaculates into a woman but doesn’t pull out. They then cuddle in that position, with his penis still inside her, and sleep in the position until the next morning when he finally pulls it out.
John: I was totally cocooning this girl last night!
Adam: Did it get stuck in there?
John: Nope, slid right out the next morning.
by G.T.X. November 5, 2020
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The act of wrapping one’s sexual partner entirely in cling wrap (from head to toe), sans preferred orifice(s).
“Dude, my girlfriend and I tried cocooning during make-up sex last night. That shut her up quick.”
by Mothman69 October 22, 2022
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